Posts Tagged As Small Business

My Article in Under30CEO – Mentorship is Vital to Driving Innovation

Over the last year I have done several posts on the importance of mentorship and I am continually surprised by the feedback of how few organizations are investing in a formal mentorship program.  In my work driving innovation and new business development I have always found mentorship to be a critical element for success.  Today, I published a piece in the entrepreneur and small business publication Under30CEO on the importance of mentorship in driving innovation work.  The article focuses on how mentorship can help drive better innovation results, build stronger innovation leaders, and retain the institutional knowledge gained while driving innovation.  I conclude the article with 6 elements that I have found to be vital for a successful innovation mentorship program.

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Want to be an ice cream entrepreneur? Get ready for the cold days ahead…

The Federal Small Business (SBA) association recently calculated their 2012 list of the business franchises that most frequently failed to repay their SBA loans. Blue MauMau, a blog focusing on the business of franchises in the United States, recently published the list as the Worst 25 Franchises to Buy with the Highest Failure Rates 2012 and 4 of the worst 25 were ice cream franchises: Carvel Ice Cream (56.41%), Marble Slab Creamery (43.66%), Cold Stone Creamery (41.93%), and MaggieMoo’s (39.39%).

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