Education Is Certainly a System So Why Don’t We Measure Student Satisfaction?

This morning there was a great article from MPR reporter Tom Robertson that touched on how the elimination of shop class in high schools is seen as a contributor to decline in skilled manufacturing candidate across the state.  “Worker skills shortage starts in high school” parallels a book that I had read a few months back from Matthew Crawford titled Shop Class as Soul Craft.  In his book Crawford asks us to examine the intent and outcomes of our fervent battle cry for all kids to go to college and to become part of the information economy rather than becoming makers, builders, and fixers.

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WSJ Interview With A.G. Lafley on Strategy, Failure, Actions Over Words, and Knowing Yourself

Earlier this month there was a great and refreshingly candid interview from the Wall Street Journal (@WSJ) with former Procter & Gamble CEO A.G. Lafley that captured his thoughts on what companies get wrong (Link Here).  The interview hit on so many of the topics that I have tried to capture over the last few months that I thought I would try to highlight a few:

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Gaming: A Refuge Where Kids Can Learn How to Fail in an Interview with Game Producer Omar Abdelwahed

Last year I was amazed by a couple of stories that had hit the media about kids who had made amazing scientific discoveries.  Jack Andraka, who was 15 at the time, had discovered an inexpensive and accurate test for pancreatic, ovarian, and lung cancers.  Check out his seven minute video from the TED Talent Search.  Another innovation teen Catherine Wong, who was 17 at the time, had created a prototype of a portable electrocardiogram (EKG) that can connect to a cell phone via Bluetooth and transmit the results over a cellular network.  As both told their stories it was remarkable how they were undaunted by the trial and error process.  They were not deterred by failure or setbacks and they simply kept trying.  But where do kids learn not to fear failure and develop the courage to pick themselves up and keep moving forward?

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HR Recruiter, Hiring Manager or Just Looking for a Job? Be Ready to Ask or Answer the Magic Interview Question.

How many times have you been asked the same battery of questions from one interview to the next?  Frequently you’re asked to highlight your successes, quantify your intellect, measure your personal drive and determination, and maybe a hypothetical question or two thrown in for good measure.  I published an article today in that explains a Magic interview question that I’ve used to succinctly determine if a good candidate is the “right” candidate: Have you failed in your career?

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My Article in Under30CEO – Mentorship is Vital to Driving Innovation

Over the last year I have done several posts on the importance of mentorship and I am continually surprised by the feedback of how few organizations are investing in a formal mentorship program.  In my work driving innovation and new business development I have always found mentorship to be a critical element for success.  Today, I published a piece in the entrepreneur and small business publication Under30CEO on the importance of mentorship in driving innovation work.  The article focuses on how mentorship can help drive better innovation results, build stronger innovation leaders, and retain the institutional knowledge gained while driving innovation.  I conclude the article with 6 elements that I have found to be vital for a successful innovation mentorship program.

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Decision Making in a Complex System: Why Your Flu Shot Likely Failed This Year

A high fever, night sweats, periodic chills, and bouts of delirium can seem like pure hell.  My recent bout with this year’s flu (influenza virus) had completely knocked me out of commission.  Like so many others that were infected this year it was a long road to recovery.  It has been more than a week since I came down with the flu and I am just now finally feeling like I am back on my feet.  Through the whole ordeal I had one lingering question: I got my flu shot this year so why did I still get so sick?

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Do Our Clients Expect Perfection? A Follow Up to the Failure Wall

Last week I did a story about Dun & Bradstreet CEO Jeff Stibel (@Stibel) on how he had created a Failure Wall at his company in an attempt to build a tolerance for risk-taking and failure within the organization’s culture (Post Here).  I was just able to watch a similar interview that the Huffington Post had done a week prior with Jeff and three other guests.  I found the discussion with the other guests absolutely bizarre but worth addressing.  On one hand they were all praising Jeff for his ability to create a culture that has learned to tolerate failure without being fired.  But on the other hand they all expressed deep concern over what would happen if someone took a picture of someone’s failure from the wall and shared it on social media.  This is exactly the fear bordering on paranoia that Jeff is trying to address with his Failure Wall.

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