Posts Tagged As Embrace Complexity

Nike FuelBand Failure: Innovation Failure Happens – How Will You Respond?

Last Friday CNET reported that Nike had fired a large part of their Digital Sports division, the team responsible for their FuelBand product.  It was estimated that of the 70 person hardware team, 70-80% were let go.  Based on the comments of Nike representatives it sounds as though the company isn’t abandoning the technology altogether but just pivoting away from hardware manufacturing.  With more phones and wearable devices adding the necessary chips to track motion it looks like Nike will pivot to become more of an integrator into other hardware platforms.

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Failure Forums: Complexity Theory and the Role of Failure in Driving New Business Models

Driving corporate innovation is far more complicated than most observers realize.  During my Innovation Development days I knew that successfully launching a new initiative was a long shot. but looking back I had greatly underestimated all of the forces at play, especially the internal politics.  As many organizations are mining “big data” to make better business decisions some companies are looking to mine their “innovation data” to better understand these internal and external forces that determine an initiative’s success or failure.

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